We all play important roles during inspections

  • Published
  • By Brig. Gen. Rick Moisio
  • 162nd Fighter Wing Commander
The time has come to once again put some focus on upcoming inspections.

The Medical Group will receive a Health Services Inspection (HSI) over the November UTA. We expect another ESOHCAMP (Environmental and Safety Inspection) early in 2009 and our next AETC Operational Readiness Inspection is less than two years out, currently scheduled over the March UTA in 2010.

We all play an important role in the HSI because medical readiness statistics are an important part of the inspection. I can see no reason that the wing, and that means each and every one of us, would not be 100% current on all of our medical and dental requirements by the time the inspectors arrive.

We've made great strides over the past few years and our statistics look better than ever before, but we can do even better; we can be perfect! Please do your part by getting up to date on your physical exam, immunizations, and your dental checkup.

We did very well on our last ESOHCAMP but like the HSI, we all play a part in this inspection. Many of you have responsibilities in environmental programs such as hazardous materials or spill prevention or containment. The hearing conservation program requires active participation on the part of a great many of us.

On the safety side, supervisors must review recent safety inspections and make sure that all programs are compliant and especially that any findings have been corrected and are being monitored. Finally, every member needs to focus on individual safety requirements such as seatbelts, bike helmets, and speed limits.

Our last ORI was two and a half years ago and you all did a fantastic job. It is my fervent hope that this wing will look equally impressive to the inspection team next time around. So now is the time to simply get ready to get ready. In my mind, that means taking a little time to check your regulations and instructions. There's a good chance that AFIs have been changed since our last look.

Check out AETC instructions and supplements, first making sure that they are applicable to the ANG, which is stated in the very first paragraph. Your area may also be affected by an ANG instruction or supplement as well.

Finally, if you are responsible for a local supplement, be sure you have a plan to update it well in advance of the inspection.

Remember that the leading cause of stress as we prepare for the ORI is procrastination. Get ahead of the game now, know what your requirements are and identify your problems to your supervisors. We have plenty of time to get in compliance. 

Just as I look forward to the safe return of our security forces from Iraq at the end of summer, so too do I hope that you will all have a fun and safe summer here in Arizona or wherever your travels might take you.