Questions / Topics

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 Base Phone Numbers

Is there a base operator that can connect my call?

Unfortunately, the 162nd Wing does not have a base operator to handle incoming phone calls. If you don't know the office you are trying to reach, dial 520-295-6000 for an automated list of frequently called duty sections.
 Base Tours

Does the 162nd Wing offer tours?

The 162nd Wing is a great place to visit. Hundreds of visitors tour the base every year. We normally schedule public tours based on date availability and operations tempo at the wing.

Base tours are intended for neighborhood, community service, government or professional organizations in Arizona. Unfortunately, the wing cannot host tours for aviation enthusiasts/hobby photographers due to the tremendous volume of such tour requests. 

1. Provide at least 30-days' notice. 
2. All tours must be approved and scheduled in advance and are on a first-come first-serve basis. 
3. Public Affairs conducts pre-approved group (10 to 20 people) tours Tuesdays through Fridays generally between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. 
4. Larger groups must provide their own bus transportation for touring the base, or be able to walk from one tour attraction to another. Transportation requirements can be discussed in detail with the Public Affairs Office.
5. All tours are subject to change or cancellation based on operational requirements. 

How to request a group tour 
Send an official request to the 162nd Wing Public Affairs Office at Please include group name, desired tour date and time, number of people, point of contact and details of particular sites you may be interested in. Public Affairs will call you for more information, if needed.

Call Public Affairs with questions: 520-295-6192
 General Information

Can you send me a unit patch for my collection?

The 162nd Wing does not give away or sell unit patches.  


How can I obtain copies of my military records? 

Individual military departments, including the Air Force do not maintain files or records pertaining to individuals no longer on active duty. When an individual is separated from military service (because of retirement, discharge from active duty, or death), his/her Field Personnel File (containing all military and health records) is forwarded for storage to the National Personnel Records Center (Military). The Records Center is under the jurisdiction of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) of the United States Government. 

An individual's complete service record is available to the former service member or, if deceased, to his/her next of kin (parents, spouse, or children). Limited information (such as dates of service, awards, and training) is available to anyone. Not available to the general public is information which would invade an individual's privacy; for example, medical records, Social Security number, or present address. 

If requesting the records of a relative, a requester should mention the relationship to the former member (brother, uncle, or other). There is no charge for this service to former service members or their next of kin. For others, a nominal fee is charged for research and reproduction costs. Files at the Records Center are maintained as historical records only and are not updated to reflect current data on the former service member. The address for the National Personnel Records Center is: 

National Personnel Records Center 
9700 Page Blvd 
St. Louis MO 63132 
Phone: 314-801-0800 or 1-866-272-6272 (1-86-NARA-NARA) For individuals compiling family histories, NARA provides assistance to those interested in genealogy. NARA normally charges a nominal fee for research and reproduction costs. Their address is: 

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) 
8th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue 
Washington, DC 20408 


Is there a base operator who can direct my call?

Unfortunately, the 162nd Wing does not have a base operator to direct incoming calls. Please consult the the frequently called numbers page for more information
 Joining the unit

How do I find out what will be expected of me at basic training? 

For information on basic military training, visit the U.S. Air Force Basic Training web page.


How do I join the Air National Guard? 

The first step in joining the Air National Guard is to talk to a Recruiter. Our recruiters have a web site at or call them at 1-800-ToGoANG (1-800-864-6264). Click on the "Careers" link to select the area you are interested in from the map or select the career category on the drop-down menu. The units in that area will be listed. Select the unit you are interested in. The recruiter contact information will be listed. You can also chat with a recruiter live by clicking on the 'Chat' button. 

To speak with an Arizona Air National Guard recruiter, you can call 520-295-7000 or click here for more information.
 Requesting support for special events

How do I request a flyby for an event?

The 162nd Wing, among other military flying units in Arizona, supports patriotic observances and events with flybys whenever possible. Requesters should begin the process by filing an official request on the U.S. Air Force Aerial Events website. Requests generally need to be completed on the site at least 45 days before the event.

Aviation Support for public events is based on guidance found in Department of Defense and Air Force regulations. Many events do not meet these specific guidelines and are, therefore, found to be ineligible. Some other common technical problems are incomplete forms, submitting requests past deadline, and no response from the sponsor when requesting additional information. 

While waiting for Air Force approval call the base Public Affairs office at the unit you would like to fly over your event. At the 162nd Fighter Wing, you can call Public Affairs at 520-295-6192, or email Even if you do not have Air Force approval, early coordination with military flying units is encouraged in order to determine possible scheduling conflicts.

The Air Force Aerial Events website and your participating unit's Public Affairs office will assist you through the remainder of the approval process. It is strongly advised that requesters initiate the process as early as possible, and all should understand that a scheduled flyby can be cancelled at any time due to mission requirements.
 The 162nd Wing

Does the wing have an airpark? What aircraft are on display? Can I photograph them?

The Kurth Memorial Air Park was dedicated in memory of Brig. Gen. Ronald L. Kurth on Nov. 19, 2000. General Kurth was former commander of the 162nd Fighter Wing. His vision and devotion to the wing resulted in its sustained growth and expansion of the International Training mission. The park features examples of the six fighter aircraft the unit has flown throughout its history in Tucson .

Aircraft in Kurth Memorial Air Park
F-86A Sabre 
F-84F Thunderstreak 
F-100 Super Sabre 
F-102 Delta Dagger 
A-7D Corsair II 
F-16 Fighting Falcon 

The aircraft on display in the air park are available for photography. Photographers who do not hold a Department of Defense ID card must call the Public Affairs office to schedule an appointment for access to the base. Appointments are granted based on the availability of the Public Affairs staff. More staff members are available during Unit Training Assemblies, usually the first weekend of the month. Please call 520-295-6192 for an appointment.


Has the unit always been in the pilot training mission?

The 162nd WG has been training pilots since 1969. Previously, the unit was a fighter interceptor unit responsible for the defense of the airspace in the southwestern United States under the former Air Defense Command. The unit has resumed this mission after Sept. 11, 2001 under the North American Air Defense Command and Northern Command.


How big is the Air National Guard in Tucson? 

The 162nd Wing is the second largest ANG wing in the country and sits on 92 acres next to the Tucson ( Arizona ) International Airport . It shares use of the runway, security and fire control with the airport. The wing has three flying squadrons consisting of more than 70 F-16 aircraft. The wing also employs approximately 1,100 full-time members, and 600 drill status Guardsmen who report for duty one weekend per month and an additional two weeks per year.


What kind of aircraft does the 162nd Wing fly?

The unit flies the F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft. It is a single-seat, single engine fighter. Read more about the F-16 from our Fact Sheet.


What kind of aircraft has the unit flown prior to the F-16?

The unit was activated at the Tucson International airport in 1956 with the North American F-86A Sabre. Since its activation in Tucson , the unit has flown the Republic F-84 Thunderstreak, the Convair F-102 Delta Dagger, The North American F-100 Super Sabre, and the LTV Aviation A-7D Corsair II. 


Where is the 162nd Wing located?

The 162nd is located adjacent to the Tucson International Airport , Tucson , Ariz.