FSS Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday hours: 0800-1400
Drill weekend hours: 0800-1400
*Closed all federal holidays/SDOs/SUTAs
To schedule an appointment for an ID Card click or scan the QR code below:

Force Support Squadron
1475 E. Perimeter Way
Building 5
Tucson, AZ 85707
Customer Service (DEERS)
Human Resources Office
520-295-6198 / 520-295-6194 / 520-295-7213
Installation Personnel Readiness
Base Education & Training
520-295-8466 \ 520-295-6568
*Testing must be schedule by a Unit Training Manager and is conducted every other Thursday at 1200 or on the Saturday of RSD weekends at 0800
Retention \ Education Benefits Office
520-295-6191 \ 520-295-6605
Mailroom (located in Bldg 5, Room 125)
520-295-6188 \ 520-295-6605