What's your 9/11 story? Staff Sgt. Mike Holly Published Sept. 9, 2011 By Staff Sgt. Mike Holly Propusion Element TUCSON, Ariz. -- I had been working for American Airlines at Logan Airport in Boston for about eleven months when 9/11 happened, changing my life forever. That morning I had just finished working a double shift and was almost asleep when my phone rang. When I answered, my fiancé at the time told me to turn on the TV. I could not believe my eyes, American Flight 11 from Logan Airport had just crashed into the World Trade Center. The same airplane I pushed back off Gate 25 before I finished my shift had crashed into the World Trade Center. In response, I returned to the military and joined the 102nd Fighter Wing at Otis Air National Guard Base, Mass., and worked as an augmentee with their security forces squadron. During my time there we apprehended several people on base who were where they should not have been and we improved base security to better protect valuable Air Force assets.