TUCSON, Ariz. -- Can you feel it? The sun is up bright and early, kids are out of school, and the temperature is rising. Summer is here. There are a lot of things that we can take pride in from living in Southern Arizona. We have a great community, beautiful sunsets, and a whole lot of amazing outdoor scenery. If we are being honest, there are just few outdoor activities that seem appealing during this time of year. Every day, the blazing sun and dry heat remind us that we live in a desert.
A desert can be what we see outside of our doors: the rocks, cacti and mountains. A desert can also be a way of describing a difficult time in our life. Many of us, and our friends, have experience with those kinds of “deserts”. They can be times in our lives where we feel the heat of disappointment, hurt, or uncertainty. It is in those times that we are left “thirsty” and we long for some shade and relief.
There was a period in my life that I experienced myself in a desert, just like is described above. I had a mentor who came to me and gave me some great encouragement.
He said, “When you are stuck in your desert, don’t forget to dig some wells. You will surely, yet slowly, move out of this desert. Think of what a blessing it will be for you to look back on your journey, through that desert, and find that you created a path for the people behind you to find relief.”
As summer officially kicks-off, I encourage you to consider how you are investing in your family, friends, and fellow Airmen. What “wells” are you digging, that may be just the relief that they are looking for? Giving your time, or a kind word may be all they need in order to quench their thirst.
If you, yourself, are in a desert, would you be reminded that you are not alone. Reach out for help. Your courage to bring others in, may be just the example that someone else needs in order for them to do the same.
Isaiah 48:21- Provision From RocksPlenty In The WildernessThirst
Splitting RocksGod Providing Water
They did not thirst when He led them through the deserts He made the water flow out of the rock for them; He split the rock and the water gushed forth.