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JEC making a difference on base, in the community

  • Published
  • By the 162nd Fighter Wing
  • Junior Enlisted Council
Junior members of the 162nd Fighter Wing, airmen basics through technical sergeants, have a voice on base and a means for leadership development through the unit's Junior Enlisted Council.

Getting involved
The JEC is the wing's leading organization for the development of its junior members and serves as a powerful volunteer force for base and community relations initiatives.

Once a month, JEC holds a meeting for all junior enlisted members. They are opportunities to discuss concerns and present new ideas for the JEC. The council makes it a point to support projects that positively impact the unit and the Tucson community. It also identifies any internal concerns and discusses possible solutions.

Council heritage
In September of 1994, Col. Richard Rose, former Maintenance Group commander, requested a junior enlisted organization for the base. Colonel Rose saw there was a need for enlisted members to have an avenue for problem solving. The Logistics Junior Enlisted Council was established as a result. Soon after, the council extended to the entire wing evolving into what is now the 162nd Fighter Wing Junior Enlisted Council (JEC).

How do I become a member of the JEC?
To become a member, simply attend the JEC meetings and get involved in council activities. There are always opportunities for people to volunteer for different events, on and off base.

Council members are valuable volunteer resources for the Haunted Hangar cake walk; Airmen Against Drunk Driving (AADD); the JEC Morale Softball Tournament; Adopt Valencia; the Volleyball Tournament; and the Wing Picnic. These events are only some of the opportunities available.

As active members of the JEC, Guardsmen can make a large impact outside the gates. Through community service projects the council's efforts pay tremendous dividends in community relations for the wing, base, Air National Guard and military as a whole. With much-needed support from the Tucson community, the wing is able to continue its state and federal missions.

JEC adapting to the mission
With the start of 2010, the JEC adopted new members, new officers and a new mission focus. Major goals include increasing fund raising efforts, working regularly with the Top 3, and promoting the wing mentorship program.

In a Guardsman's line of work, attention to detail and attitude go hand-in-hand ensuring mission accomplishment and safety. Every junior enlisted member is encouraged to attend JEC meetings to contribute valuable input and ideas on how to meet council goals.

The next JEC meeting is scheduled for Sunday, Aug. 8, at 1 p.m. in the base auditorium . For periodic updates on JEC events visit