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CAC scanners coming to Tucson Air Guard main gate

  • Published
  • By Technical Sgt. Casandra McIntyre
  • 162nd Fighter Wing Security Forces
You may have noticed your common access card (CAC) is swiped by Security Forces personnel using a hand-held computer when you access nearby Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. The 162nd Fighter Wing will soon begin phasing-in the Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) here at the Tucson Air Guard Base as well.

DBIDS was developed as a force protection and identity management program to manage personnel, property and installation access and is currently used at several bases and military sites. The system accesses information such as height, weight, a photograph and other identifying information.

DBIDS will allow security personnel better access to information such as restricted driving permits due to DUIs or warrants issued by other police and security organizations. In certain emergency situations, it will allow leadership to be advised on how many and which nonessential personnel are on base.

The DBIDS capabilities will make it easier to assist in certain advisory situations such as increased security measures. The bar code on the back of the card will be scanned and automatically links the information on the card with the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System, also known as DEERS, eliminating the need for members to register separately.

The system will be "phased in" over the period of a few months. The installation of the system will occur Feb. 20, and a contractor will simultaneously train Security Forces personnel on the operating system.

Family members and visitors who want to access to the base will be given a pass through the DBIDS system. Contractors will receive a DBIDS Access Card (DAC), which will replace other access cards they may have been issued.

As a registered member of DBIDS, immediate access to the base is assured with one scan of the card by security forces personnel at the gate. This system may require some CACs to register through the system - specifically retired military, contractors, dependents (who must have a sponsor present) and civilians affiliated with the base. If registration is required, the CAC holder will be directed to the Pass and Registration Office that is adjacent to the main gate on Valencia Road.

The installation, education and CAC registration process is anticipated to take a few months. Please be patient during this transition period as you access the installation. For additional questions and concerns, please contact Security Forces at 295-6209.

Frequently asked questions:

What do I bring with me when I register? Bring your Department of Defense CAC. If you have multiple cards, bring them all. For example, we will need to register both cards if you are retired, but are a contractor on base.

Why must I register in person? Your fingerprint is the vital piece of registration for biometric identification.

Why do I need my CAC if you also have my fingerprint? Will you scan my fingerprint when you swipe my CAC? No, just your CAC will be scanned. Your fingerprints are only used during the registration process and are an added security feature for personal identification.