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FORCE PROTECTION (Combating Human Trafficking)

  • Published
  • By Maj. Jason Burns
  • 162nd Antiterrorism Office
Human trafficking is the second-largest source of revenue for criminal enterprises, and it's a growing criminal enterprise that generates roughly $32 billion per year worldwide.

The definition of Trafficking in Persons or "TIP" is: A modern day form of slavery while harboring, transportation, providing or obtaining a person for the purpose of exploitation.

TIP is a catalyst to worldwide crimes against general populations and crimes against human rights. The Department of Defense has a zero tolerance policy for TIP no matter where an event may take place.

TIP may include; use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel a person to provide labor, services, or commercial sex. The three most common forms of trafficking are: Labor Trafficking, Sex Trafficking and Child Soldiering.

The 162FW deploys soldiers around the world which places them in areas where TIP is more prevalent. Knowing how to identify trafficking of humans and how to report observed events is key to combatting illegal activity.

If you believe that you are witnessing a trafficking operation you are responsible for reporting it to the local authorities, our chain of command, Security Forces, or DM AFB OSI (Eagle Eyes Program).

People who have been trafficked may:
 Come from a place known to be a source of human trafficking
 Be forced to work under strenuous conditions
 Show signs that they are being coached what to say to strangers
 Be subjected to violence or threats of violence against themselves or against their family members and loved ones
 Suffer injuries that appear to be the result of an assault
 Be restricted to communicate freely with others
 Be distrustful of law enforcement or strangers
 Believe that they must work against their will
 Be unfamiliar with the local language
 Be unable to leave their domicile or work environment
 Be afraid of revealing their immigration status
 Allow others to speak for them when addressed directly

Trafficking in persons affects virtually every country in the world. It is not solely related to third world countries. The 162FW, located in the southwest region of the United States, is not immune to human trafficking. There have been reported cases in the Tucson and Phoenix areas.

The DoD requires that all military personnel, fulltime state, and fulltime contractor employees receive annual Human Relations training (Trafficking In Person's).

The 162FW Antiterrorism Office is designated as the TIP point of contact for all military and fulltime employees on and off the installation. The 214th RG, AATC, JFHQ, and DM AFB tenant units are also required to attend the annual training. Family members are encouraged to participate in the combatting human trafficking program.

Do your part and pay attention to your surroundings to assist with the crimes against human rights. Check your section bulletin boards, the commander's vault newsletter, and the commanders TIP endorsement letter for updated TIP information.

Contact Maj. Jason Burns at the Antiterrorism Office by calling 295-7152 or email