MORRIS AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Ariz. -- The Air Force announces an extension to the public comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Regional Special Use Airspace Optimization to Support Air Force Missions in Arizona.
The public comment period has been extended to November 12, 2024, to allow additional time for the interested public to review the Draft EIS and submit comments. No changes have been made to the Draft EIS or supporting materials, all of which are available on the project website: Paper copies of the Draft EIS are available for review in several local libraries (see website for list). Comments submitted during the initial public comment period from August 9 – October 9, 2024, are currently being reviewed and do not need to be resubmitted.
Proposed Action: The Air Force is proposing to alleviate training shortfalls and address evolving training needs by requesting that the Federal Aviation Administration implement regional airspace modifications such as: adjusting the times of use, adjusting the horizontal dimensions, adjusting the altitudes to support low-altitude training, authorizing supersonic training at lower altitudes, and authorizing the use of chaff and lowering the minimum release altitude for flares. The Proposed Action doesn’t include the creation of new special use airspace or any changes at the installations, changes to land use beneath the airspace, or weapons release. The special use airspace being addressed in the EIS is located throughout Arizona and a small area of western New Mexico.
Public Comments: Comments can be submitted online at the project website, or by mailing to the following address:
Arizona Regional Airspace EIS, c/o Stantec
501 Butler Farm Rd., Suite H
Hampton, VA 23666.
To ensure full consideration, all comments should be submitted by November 12, 2024.
Concurrent with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process, the Air Force is conducting
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106 consultation regarding potential effects of
the Proposed Action on historic properties.