MORRIS AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Ariz. -- In 2001, many enlistments were prompted by a significant event in American History: the terrorist attacks on September 11. However, just three days prior, Senior Master Sgt. Christy Camargo, the 162nd Wing full-time first sergeant, had already embarked on her path toward military service.
“It’s very significant to me because so many people outside the military were just more apprehensive with me joining the military,” said Camargo. “So when 9/11 happened, my boss at the time said, ‘Aren’t you glad you didn’t join the Guard?’ And I told him, ‘Sir, I’m three days sworn in,’ and I haven’t looked back.”
Camargo initially wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps by joining the Navy, but at the encouragement of a friend and mentor, she “took a leap of faith” and joined the Arizona Air National Guard instead. Camargo started her career in utilities with the Civil Engineer Squadron’s “Prime Beef,” unit. She explained that the unit was capable of deploying within 24 hours to “set up a base from dirt all the way up,” and she said she “loved every minute of it.” After the unit was disbanded, Camargo moved into the personnel and then admin career field, allowing her to return to the Civil Engineer Squadron. However, Camargo felt drawn to making a “broader difference” throughout the wing, and with the encouragement of her leadership, sought out to become a first sergeant.
At the encouragement of former Command Chief Master Sergeant Armando Gonzalez, Camargo applied to become an additional duty first sergeant. She explained, “I’d always been a big community service advocate, but it was the first time I was exposed to it at the wing. I felt at that time that I was ready to take another leap of faith and when a first sergeant position came open, I applied for it.”
Camargo said she is proud to be a member of the CARE team, which she explains is a team of people who can connect resources to airmen going through major life events and challenges, such as having a new baby, financial hardship, or a loss in the family.
Camargo stated, “As first sergeants, we work with the entire CARE team and other resources on base and in the community to make sure our Airmen are getting the help that they need. So, I truly enjoy being on that team.”
Want to learn more about First Sergeant Camargo? Checkout the Q&A below:
Q: What is something we might not know about you?
A: I'm a sports fanatic! My parents took me out of dancing lessons and enrolled me in softball at a very early age to learn sportsmanship, collaboration, teamwork and competitive skill.
Q: Can you tell me about your family?
A: I have been married to my husband Johnny for 6 years, and have 3 children: 28, 26, 15 years old. We have two dogs: Max and Maya.
Q: Do you speak any languages other than English?
A: I'd like to say that I'm fluent in Spanish, however, "Spanglish" is more accurate.
Q: What is your favorite band?
A: My favorite band is the Crystals. The Crystals was a high school band in the 60s that my Dad was a part of and played an array of oldies but goodies like Angel Baby, Donna and La Bamba - songs I grew up singing and still sing as a remembrance of my childhood.
Q: What song do you play to get you pumped up?
A: This is Me from The Greatest Showman.
Q: What is the best movie to watch on a rainy day?
A: That's a hard one because there's so many rainy day movies that I love like Somewhere in Time, Cold Mountain or Gladiator.
Q: What is your favorite Tucson restaurant?
A: I love Seis Kitchen at Mercado San Agustin.
Q: Do you have a parable or motto you live by?
A: "Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart." - Roy T. Bennett
Q: What hobbies do you have?
A: I love taking long walks with my dogs. It's my alone time to pray and give thanks for all my blessings. I also like to hike, garden and cook.
Q: What book has had the biggest impact on you?
A: The Bible. I grew up with all of the biblical stories, and I’ve been currently watching the Chosen, and just at my age, I feel that God has guided me to help me make positive decisions in my life that have helped me grow professionally and personally and has helped keep my family together. I don’t know of any other book that would do that.
Q: Who is a historical figure you want to meet, dead or alive? Also, what would be the one question you would want to ask them?
A: Walter Elias Disney. At an early age, did you ever think your study of cartooning would turn into a global enterprise and Disney becoming a household name?
Q: Do you have any pet peeves?
A: I'm pretty easy going but if I had to name a pet peeve of mine, it'd be washed clothes left in the washer overnight.
Q: What podcast do you like to listen to?
A: Father Andrew Ricci's Daily Mass, The Dr. Axe Show and the Mindset Mentor
Q: iPhone or Android
A: iPhone
Q: Chevrolet or Ford?
A: Chevy
Q: Cats or dogs?
A: Dogs
Q: Chocolate or Vanilla?
A: Chocolate
Q: Phone call or text message?
A: Text
Q: Cake or pie?
A: Cake
Q: Nice car or nice house?
A: Nice house
Q: Sneakers or sandals?
A: Sneakers
Q: Beach or forest?
A: Forest
Q: Online or in-store shopping?
A: Online
Q: Ability to fly or read minds?
A: Ability to fly
Q: Coke or Pepsi?
A: Coke
Q: Musical theater or concert?
A: Musical theater
Q: Iced coffee or hot coffee?
A: Hot coffee
Q: Singing or dancing?
A: Both
Q: Snow or Sunshine?
A: Both
Q: Repair the car or buy a new one?
A: Repair the car
Q: Veggies or meat?
A: Both
Q: Sweet or savory?
A: Definitely both!
Q: Do you wear socks to bed?
A: No
Q: What do you order on your pizza?
A: Extra pep
Q: Is Bigfoot real?
A: Sure. Anything's possible, right? We need to open our minds when it comes to things like Big Foot, because anything's possible! So even if I've never had the pleasure of meeting Big Foot, my daughter lives in Oregon, so you never know!