Cost of Living Matrix


Item Average Monthly Cost
Housing: Includes Utilities (Electric, Water, Sewer, Natural Gas) The Air Force has computed the Basic Housing Allowance for Tucson Based on Rank and Dependents: This is an accurate cost
Cable TV $30 (basic) - $75 (upgraded)
Cell Phone Cost based on calling plan and number of minutes needed per month.
$30 - $100 per month
Vehicle One-time Cost: $5,000 - $30,000 +
Depending on new or used vehicle, make and model
Mini-Lease and Long-term Rental information is attached.
Rental Vehicle (optional) Cost of rental vehicle is based on type of vehicle and duration of rental. Information and pricing can be researched via the internet.
Vehicle Insurance $150 - $300
Depending on the drivers record, vehicle year, make and model
Vehicle Fuel $150
Vehicle Maintenance $30 - $100
Depending on vehicle reliability: Severe maintenance costs can be in the thousands of dollars.
Vehicle Registration One-time Cost: $35 for NATO
Non-NATO: $150 - $600; depending on the vehicle year, make and model
Vehicle Drivers License One-time Cost: $25
Food $250 per adult
Entertainment $250
Child Care $240 - $600
Depending on age and facility
Public Elementary School $60
Meals and incidentals
Medical/Dental Insurance Please refer to TRICARE website. (Costs may vary).

Apartment Rentals

Average Costs: Costs will depend on the season, location, and if basic utilities are included like local phone service, electric and water. 

Number of Bedrooms Unfurnished Furnished
1 $550 $1050
2 $700 $1200
3 $850 $1400

Last updated: October 22, 2012