Item |
Average Monthly Cost |
Housing: Includes Utilities (Electric, Water, Sewer, Natural Gas) |
The Air Force has computed the Basic Housing Allowance for Tucson Based on Rank and Dependents: This is an accurate cost |
Cable TV |
$30 (basic) - $75 (upgraded) |
Cell Phone |
Cost based on calling plan and number of minutes needed per month.
$30 - $100 per month |
Vehicle |
One-time Cost: $5,000 - $30,000 +
Depending on new or used vehicle, make and model
Mini-Lease and Long-term Rental information is attached. |
Rental Vehicle (optional) |
Cost of rental vehicle is based on type of vehicle and duration of rental. Information and pricing can be researched via the internet. |
Vehicle Insurance |
$150 - $300
Depending on the drivers record, vehicle year, make and model |
Vehicle Fuel |
$150 |
Vehicle Maintenance |
$30 - $100
Depending on vehicle reliability: Severe maintenance costs can be in the thousands of dollars. |
Vehicle Registration |
One-time Cost: $35 for NATO
Non-NATO: $150 - $600; depending on the vehicle year, make and model |
Vehicle Drivers License |
One-time Cost: $25 |
Food |
$250 per adult |
Entertainment |
$250 |
Child Care |
$240 - $600
Depending on age and facility |
Public Elementary School |
Meals and incidentals |
Medical/Dental Insurance |
Please refer to TRICARE website. (Costs may vary). |