Many ways to get 162nd retiree news and information

  • Published
  • By Chief Master Sgt. (ret.) Barry Soulvie
  • Retirees Office
We in the Retirees Office are aware that our target audience is comprised of many folks who spent most of their working lives without need of a computer keyboard to communicate. 

We are also aware that many of you have no interest in learning computer skills at this point in your lives. However, the world has changed and the primary way to communicate has rapidly become electronic. 

Consequently, we endeavor to upgrade our skills to keep up with technology while still embracing the old ways of communication so everyone will still receive necessary information. 

An example of the changing world is our monthly El Tigre News, which has been around for more than 50 years and is now changing from a monthly to a quarterly publication to allow public affairs to focus on the unit Web site. Many of you have depended on the monthly El Tigre to keep up with unit news and also to get information from the Retirees Office. To fill the gap for those who do not use the Internet, we will attempt to produce the Retirees Newsletter more often to keep you up to date between the quarterly El Tigre publications. 

To ensure everyone receives the latest information, we communicate with our retirees in the following ways: 

First, the El Tigre. The new quarterly El Tigre, as you've seen, has been reformatted to adapt to a four-times-a-year schedule. One thing will not change; there will still be articles of interest to retirees and information on retiree's events and unit functions. 

Second, the Retirees Newsletter. Timely newsletters will be sent out by regular U.S. Mail to ensure retirees get information that is current and relevant. This mailed-out version will be sent to all on our retirees list with a valid mailing address who do not have e-mail. An electronic version of the newsletter will be sent out to those on our e-mail list. 

Third, the 162nd Web site. If you have a computer, there is a wealth of information available on this web site. In addition to unit information, there is now a special section that is directed specifically toward retirees. Go on-line to and check it out. 

Fourth, the e-mail system. About one-third of our retirees are on our e-mail network. The advantage of this system is that it sends out information in real time and everyone is kept up to date as things happen. The Ainleys maintain the system and send out only information that pertains to retired unit members and relevant information about retirees in general and retirement benefits. 

Note: If you have an e-mail account and are not receiving retiree information, it is easy to get on the list. Simply send an e-mail to and request to be added. We will need your full name, so we know who you are, along with your e-mail address. Also, if you are already in our retiree database but not receiving our e-mails, and would like to add your e-mail address to the database, just let us know. 

There is one more avenue of communication. It's the avenue that you initiate! If you, or your spouse, need any information relevant to retirement, all you have to do is contact us. The Retirees Office phone number is (520) 295-6663. The office is manned on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you can't catch us, just leave a message and we will get back to you. Also, you can always send an e-mail request to the office address listed above. 

As an alternative source of information, the Retired Activities Office (RAO) at Davis-Monthan AFB is open for business Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. They are located at 3500 S. Craycroft Rd, about ¼ mile inside the main gate on the west side of the road. This office is staffed with dedicated, knowledgeable people (military retirees themselves) who will answer questions from any military retiree. You can visit the office, or call them at (520) 228-5100, if you have a question. 

When it comes to your retirement benefits, and knowing what's going on, you should never be in the dark. There is a system available that will help you with any questions you may have. Your military retirement benefits package, and the network to provide information, is one of the best available anywhere. If you need help, it's only a telephone call, a Web site, or an e-mail away!